In the section you will find some key support tools.  Supporting you in your integration of the Take a Breath for Change content and methodology.  You will find support in establishing and empowering your place in community. Each of us deserves to have a voice. Each of us deserves to be heard, each of us deserves to have opportunity and possibility in school, work and life.

There is plenty of science to reinforce the benefits of authentic communication. When we speak about our moods, our feelings, our struggles, we give access to parts of our self that, if left unaided, can begin to undermine our physical health our mental health and maintaining our place in the community. There is also significant data that shows that the communication we experience in media and social media is inadequate. It is one-sided. And it is often filled with positioning or inauthenticity or even manipulation that undermines true communication skills.

The communication skills contained in this program support some of the indicators that may have been identified during the self-assessment process. Those inquiry questions were meant to guide you towards areas that might need more attention; for physical health, mental health, or for specific conditions. For some individuals the assessments process points you towards supporting your improvement in your select performance areas. 

The goal of the communication tools in this program are to empower your intentions and accomplishments. If you are seeking changes in a certain activity, health issue, lifestyle activity, work or school subject, these tools solidify the transformation.  In any case; whether we're supporting health or we're supporting performance, we recognize that being heard and listened to empowers us.  The changes we seek become more easily facilitated by the brain.  Additionally, there is a rewarding feeling of being heard by another. 


For many of you these speaking and listening techniques may be brand new. It can be difficult to practice this objectivity and this depth of intimate connection.  Perhaps it may be helpful to look at the speaking and listening information and exercise documents here.

Sometimes we need extra support. If you find yourself struggling through this online content and experiences you are not alone, and that is a common experience. If it is to a degree that these support tools or your supportive listener are not enough for you, then let's find additional help. Here is a link to finding mental health support in your area. The professional support of a counselor could make all the difference in moving beyond some held pattern or response. The support of a professional can be very complimentary to the take a breath for schools and communities practices. 

If you are the listener for a person who is presenting signs of mental health challenges or even a mental health emergency,  Please support them in making appropriate next steps. Whether that be talking to a professional counselor. Or if it is an emergency situation, please ensure that they get immediate help. Here is a document that can help inform your guidance and support for them. Thank you for being a supporter in any case. 


Emergency support is also available at any time. If you feel you are in a life threatening situation for any reason. Please dial 911. 


Mental Health First Aid

Support someone with potential mental health issues

Especially in this time of challenge and upset, stay aware of those around you.  Watch for anyone, young or old, with a mental health issue?

One in three North Americans will experience a mental health illness during their lifetime, yet the signs aren’t always obvious.

Mental health first aid is all about teaching all of us to recognize and respond to signs of mental illness in others, perhaps to help those suffering in plain sight.  It may be a classmate, a workmate, or a family member.

What are the Signs?

You may have heard of conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar and schizophrenia.  Each of those signs will show up uniquely in each person.  However, there are some common signs which we can watch for and support them as a listener or supportive advocate to empower next steps.

Any change in someone’s normal behavior or mood could be a sign of deteriorating mental health.

Here are some early signs something may be wrong:

·        They lack interest in hobbies or things they used to enjoy doing

·        They seem tired or have poor concentration

·        They feel angry, anxious, sad or hopeless, for little reason

·        They seem to be having strange thoughts or hearing voices

·        Their appetite, sleep or exercise regime has changed

·        They’ve stopped looking after themselves, such as forgetting to wash or tidy their home

·        They’ve been missing school or work more, or avoiding social situations




How to Approach Someone Experiencing Issues

If you think someone you know may be experiencing mental health issues, broaching the subject with them may feel daunting.

It’s important to remember you are doing it because you care, and that even if they react badly or reject the idea, raising the topic with them can be the first step towards them getting help.

Here are some tips to make initiating the conversation easier:

Pick the right time and place to have the conversation. Somewhere private, where you won’t be interrupted, is ideal. Studies have shown that engaging in conversations about mental health while doing an activity, such as walking, cycling, or other physical activity helps people to open up.

Perhaps as a follow up to a Co-Listening session.  Ask them how they’re feeling.  It might sound simple, but it’s easier if they mention worries about their own mental health, rather than you project your concerns onto them. If they begin to open up, listen non-judgmentally and ask open questions to help them explore their own feelings

If they haven’t alluded to any issues with their mental health, gently tell them you have concerns, and explain what has led you to believe this. If they deny any problem, don’t push it – you don’t want your relationship with the individual to break down.

You can always try again another time, but its important they still feel able to talk to you

Getting Help

Once someone has opened up about their mental health, it’s important to be able to help them with the next steps, both in directing them to sources of support and helping the person to engage with it.

It can be overwhelming though, and so as someone in a supporting role, there are things you can do to make it easier. Offer to make the first appointment for them, or offer to accompany the individual to the doctors.

Encouraging them to adopt a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of exercise, sleep and nutritious foods, can do wonders for someone’s mental health. You can also provide emotional support, playing an important role in ensuring the person doesn’t feel alone.

Its important to keep yourself healthy through all this, as it can take a toll on your own mental wellbeing. All the resources are also available for those supporting a loved one too.